Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wii Recycle

We just rearranged our basement "rec"room and the Wii is down there.  With the new setup, the Wii has gotten alot more attention lately.  We don't have room for recycling upstairs so I toss it down the stairs and the kids are supposed to put it in the proper bins.  It often piles up, I have to harrass them to do it and then it's an arguement on whose turn it is.  I found a solution- if you want to use the Wii, recycling needs to be cleaned up.  I made a sign as a reminder, Hannah wants it on a shirt or bag.

It's been working really well.  Parker always asks before he plays and the recycling is always cleaned up.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Stubby Pencils and Report Cards

Another great year of school has gone by.  The kids both had great teachers this year.

Parker continued to do well (A's and B's) and has had some of his accommodations dropped from his SEP.  The school has requested assistive technology for him.  Basically a small word processor he can use at his desk for writing assignments.

Hannah's marks were great.  All A's and A+'s except for gym.  She had a dance routine that was supposed to be performed with two of her friends.  One was away for a week and then one was absent for a few gym classes.  They never got the chance to do their routine so her mark was disappointing.  Truly not fair to the kid who was always prepared to do it.  I despise group assignments.

Here's a sign of hard work.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Most dedicated Shimpokai member

Parker brought home a trophy tonight from judo.  He earned "most dedicated" out of the three awards they gave to the kids class.  He was pretty excited and so are we.  Last summer he was assesssed by OT and he saw a neurologist.  He was diagnosed with dyspraxia and poor muscle tone.    The OT was putting in a referal for physio but when she came to the school to do a reassessment, she decided that he was benefiting more from judo 2-3 times a week than he would from the in school physio that they could provide.  After he had been to judo only a few weeks, she could already see a difference.

Parker has plugged away at judo all year, earned his white and yellow/white belts, gone to two tournaments and been defeated pretty quickly.  The tournaments are an eye opening experience.  They can be pretty aggressive, kids and instructors.  But the Shimpokai club really does practice  "gentle way".  His instructors always check in to see if he's ok after a match, letting him know not to get discouraged.  At practice, they work side by side with the kids, dividing them into smaller groups and giving extra coaching when needed. 

About 6 weeks ago, he turned the corner.  He defeated one of his rivals and he's been on a roll ever since.  His last tournament is on Saturday.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Little Miss's first sleepover

Lydia has been looking forward to her first sleepover for months.  She's been very excited about it.  Yesterday she had her tonsils, adenoids and tubes done.  She was such a brave girl and didn't shed a tear the whole time.  I was very impressed that this hospital waits until the kids are under before they do and IV's.  That was a big plus.  She had been trying out her dad's cpap machine so she was ready for the anesthetic mask.

Little Miss
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