Thursday, July 31, 2008

Someone needs a new job

The weather reports have been wrong all week.  Tonight I am packing for a weekend of family camp.  I have the kids clothes finished but now looking at the weather for the weekend, it looks like rain the entire time.  Guess I better grab a few pairs of pants.  Oh and dh thinks this counts as celebrating our anniversary because we are staying in a cottage.  I don't think so mister.  

All three kids have programs for them and they are all in separate age groups.  i'm really looking forward to not having to cook for the weekend.  All our meals are included in the $50 registration fee.  How sweet is that?

I think i better grab some games in case it does rain.  Bananagrams is a game we haven't really gotten to play  but parker uses it with his homework words.

And I'll take Whoonu

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A rare sunny day

Saint John is one of the foggiest cities you'll find in eastern Canada.  We've had lots of fog and rain this summer and it was supposed to rain all week.  When we were greeted with sunshine this morning, Cara and I decided to meet up for a walk at the Irving Nature Park.    My older two were at the beach with a day camp put on by the city and at drama camp.   I was a bit early and I've been wanting to do a photo shoot of Lydia on the beach there.  I grabbed her dress on the way out the door as well as one for the little girl I was looking after for the day.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Love a good deal

So for Lydia's birthday, grammie gave her money to buy a new DVD player for the van.  We had one that was really cumbersome.  It had a vcr as well as a dvd payer and two monitors.  But you couldn't use it without the VCR and you could either watch vhs on both monitors or vhs on one and dvd on the other but not both on dvd.  It really took up a lot of room and pluggiing it in was annoying.  Cords everywhere.

So I did some looking around and came home excited one day that I found one with a USB port.  Let me just say Future Shop is not known for their customer service and they couldn't tell me if it played movies from a USB drive.  By the time we decided that was what we wanted, the less expensive one was gone but they offered us a deal on the one that was more money.  I thought I would try one more store first.  I saved us $80   I found what I was looking for for $100.  Woohoo.

Since all our movies are now on the computer, the USB port will be much handier.  I also picked up a 2 G drive for $10.

Lydia is thrilled to have her own "dbd' player and she was so excited to spend her "million" dollars.  The guys at Wacky Wheatley's were amazed that she had so much money in her Strawberry Shortcake purse and laughed when I told them she hid it in a book last night and slept with it.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Girl's Night with Muscles

Cuz it's a girl's night
It's alright without you
I'm gonna stay out
And play out without you
You better hold tight
This girl's night's without you
Let's go
Let's go
Let's go
Let's go
It's a girl's night

Ok so we listen to too much Miley Cyrus around here.  We've been trying to have a girl's night all summer.  Someone is always busy between soccer, camps, one kid having  surgery, husbands are busy with business dinners....

Tonight Cara and Joanne came over.  Cara picked up the mussels.  We thought we might have two others join us but weren't sure since plans were just made today.  She bought 10lbs. 

So three of us ate about 9lbs.  Oink

Good thing Cara brought her big stock pot.  We filled both pots and this was all that was left.


Thanks girls for a great gab session.  They might not be frequent but they are always good.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Berry, Berry Sweet Time

We had Lydia's birthday party today.  Her birthday is tomorrow.  Aside from the weather not co-operating, the kids ahd a great time.  The original plan was to be outside with the sprinkler and water table.  We had a tea party and playdough instead.   Santa made a guest appearance.  Lydia sent him an invitation.  No one wanted to get too close though.  Yesterday Lydia started saying she wanted a million dollars.  Today she thought she had a million dollars.  Not quite. :)

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Saturday, July 26, 2008


Growing up it was a family tradition that my parents made us a different cake every year for our birthdays.  My mom would bake and supply the tools and my father would cut, carve the cake and decorate.  This is one tradition that I carry on.  Other than MIL supplying Hannah's first birthday cake, I have made all the kids cakes and a different one each time. 

 I just finished Lydia's birthday cake and I loooove it.  It's probably one of the simplest ones I've done but she really wanted a Strawberry Shortcake birthday.  I love that I was able to incorporate my Strawberry Shortcake figurines.  Two of the dolls on top are Hannah's but the rest were mine.

I alos cleaned our bedroom, Lydia and Parker's room, finished Mt Washmore, cleaned the bathroom and washed the living room, dining room and kitchen floors.  Today i am thankful for the fog which gave me a headache free day.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Let 'er rip

The weather this week has been really weird.  We started yesterday off with a thunderstorm and torrential downpour.  It dind't clear the air but made it worse.  I had a massive headache all day.  then at 4 pm the fog strted creeping towards our house.  i have never been so happy to see the fog.  But it retreated.  What's with that??  Last night was hot and humid and I had to bake a birthday cake.  This morning it's still humid but the sky is dark.  Hopefully we'll have some more storm activity and get rid of this system. 

I've got lots to do today.  I'm getting ready for Lydia's third birthday party  on Sunday.  Next weekend we are going to a family camp and as I am doing the laundry, I'm pulling out what we'll need to take.  then I won't be hunting it down at the end of the week.  Our $50 registration fee covers all our meals for the weekend and we have a cottage for the weekend for $110.  Pretty good deal if you ask me.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Music for everyone

Do you ever find it challenging to find music for the whole family to listen to?  We've just recently discovered the new Barenaked Ladies album, Snack Time.  It's pretty funny and all of us like it.  There's even a song about allergies.

The kids are also Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus fans.  She's easy to listen to and sing along with.  Even Lydia is singing Other Side, Other Side, Other Side of me.  We'll be listening to Miley's new album.

More often than not, the youngest and loudest member of the family gets her pick of music.  She likes the La,la,la song.  It's the first song on this album.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Finally summer vacation

Today is the first day of the summer where we do not have to be somewhere.  Kids are in their jammies watching a movie and I am in mine although I think I'll get dressed shortly.  I've got a birthday party to organize and a cake to design as well as a meal plan to work on and grocery list.  Maybe I'll get to decluttering.  First I'll empty Lydia's potty.  It's at the other end of the house but I can smell it from here.  And then I'll put the bran muffins out of her reach.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Progress for the boy

Today was Parker's last day of literacy.  3 weeks of 1.5 hours a day and he has moved up two reading levels.  I'm so excited for him.  He has an appointment in August with a pediatric neurologist.  Last September he was assessed and diagnosed with dysgraphia   We take any extra help we can get.  We've purchased an XO laptop   for him. It's a neat machine and he'll be able to take it to school if we can figure out how to teach him to type. It is a definite learning curve for me though as it uses open source software and doesn't run Windows. Just when we were getting it figured out, it crashed and it looks like it will reset itself one month after the crash date. Jeff will then fix the bug with a patch.
Anyway, I am thrilled with Parker's reading progress but I am still concerned with his writing. He's moving into grade three and I have a hard time understanding what he has written unless I am the one helping him with it. Aside from spelling, Hannah's writing has always been clear and concise. Not that i understand her level of French. If anyone has any suggestions, I'll take them. I'm going to look for voice to text software too. I hear Google is working on it.
Hopefully the neurologist will confirm my theory that Parker's motor skills, speech issues and writing skills are all related. In my mind, he's got all the connections there, they are just twisted and tangled and it takes longer to get there or he needs to find an alternate route. The motor skills have come along way this year and I am thrilled that he's becoming a little dare devil.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Beach Party!! Surf's Up

This week Parker and Lydia and Lydia's friend went to  VBS (Vacation Bible School) at the church up the street.  They had a great time and by next year Lydia will be able to stay on her own.  Given her frequent bathroom trips, (5 in the matter of a couple of hours) I stayed with her.

One morning the story was about Jesus coming to talk to the crowd. We were the crowd and one of the helpers came in dressed as Jesus. Lydia kept asking where Jesus was and when he was coming. I guess she knew there was an imposter. She was quite upset when the real deal did not show up in earthly form.

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Family Jam Tour kicks off in NB

Brett Ryan was in Saint John today kicking off his Canadian tour.

 So far I don't know anything about him other than Hannah wanted to see him.   It's pretty rare that Family channel includes any of the Maritimes in it's events.  Hannah and her friend were in a talent contest today though so we only had a few minutes.  We hurried into the mall and snapped a few photos and a brief video.

After our quick stop at the mall, we booted it up the hill for the Easpoint Has Talent Competition.  There were about 40 performers aged 6-14.  It was long and hot but the girls had fun.  Each Saturday between now and Aug 30, 8-10 of them will perform.  the winner from each group will then perform on the last day and the grand prize is a trip for four to Disney.

Hannah sings her song acapella that she wrote in grade 4.

Alexa performs.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Looks like I'll be MIA for a few least til the kids go to bed.  We've got three new pets.  A frog, a snake and a monkey.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Peace and Quiet...comes to an end

It's been such a peaceful week with Hannah gone to camp.  Only whining, no bickering. Parker has gone to literacy every morning, Lydia to VBS, then I leave there and pick up Parker and bring him back for the rest of the program.  We come home, have lunch and it's off to bed for Lydia.  Parker is out the door to the supervised playground program at 1pm and surfaces again around 4pm.  Have I accomplished anything?  Nope.  An afternoon  at the beach and that's about it.  I've taken it easy and relaxed. 

Hannah arrives home tomorrow afternoon and she does not do well when her sleep is interrupted.  I'll plan on a quiet afternoon/evening with a nice long bath for her and an early bedtime.  She's singing in a local talent competition this summer and Saturday is an orientation for it.  Then we'll head to the waterfront for the Buskers.

 Next week Parker has his literacy two mornings but that's it.  No camps, nothing to drive the kids to.  Maybe we'll go for a hike in the Irving Nature Park.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Beach Bums

Lydia and Parker are going to VBS this week and it's a surfing theme.  I realize Lydia is a little young to take it all in but she is picking up the important parts.  When the kids hear someone say the key words, they shout out the surfer phrase.   Be Obedient- Hang Ten, Be Kind- Catch a Wave, Be Forgiving- Wipe Out.

This afternoon we had a great time at the beach with Lydia's best buddy.  I looked after Kate before her mom went on maternity leave.  The girls had a great time at the beach and I forgot to get pics of kate's baby brother.  I was wearing him in the sling while her mom had the girls in the water.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Look who's in town

Yay.  Can't say Rosie is one of my favourite people.  I find her far too loud and abraisive. Dh just sent me this link.

Matrimony Many gay couples expected to take advantage of Canadian law during Saint John stopover

SAINT JOHN - Many cruise ship passengers who arrive in Saint John single this morning will pull out of port tonight married.

When the Norwegian Dawn docks at 9 a.m., 2,300 gay and lesbian passengers will disembark to what R Family Vacations' co-founder Gregg Kaminsky hopes will be a huge outpouring of hospitality.

Rosie O'Donnell, talk show maven, activist and blogger, will be at the helm. R Family Vacations is a charter company co-founded by Kaminsky and O'Donnell's partner Kelli Carpenter O'Donnell.

"One of the reasons we chose two of the ports in Canada is because we love going to places we feel welcome," said Kaminsky. "We did go to Halifax a few years ago and everyone loved it."

During the Halifax visit in 2005, Rosie praised Canada's progressive gay marriage laws.

"We have gone to a few places on our cruises where we have not been welcome," said Kaminsky. "It's frustrating. You're on vacation. Gay people love Canada in America."

They love it so much, in fact, that 20 couples are planning on getting married during their Saint John stopover.

Some are planning to tie the knot at Mahogany Manor, confirms owner Carl Trickey. The bed and breakfast owned by Trickey and his partner, James Crooks, is an apt place for the weddings given that, in 2005, Trickey and Crooks were one of the first same-sex couples to be legally married in New Brunswick.

Their marriage came just one month after Canada became the fourth country in the world to legally allow same-sex couples to wed.

Nine years before their marriage, Crooks and Trickey became "beloved partners for life" during a covenanting ceremony.

That's a far cry from New York, where gay couples cannot legally marry, says Kaminsky. Massachusetts and California are the only two states that have made gay marriage legal.

New York state will, however, recognize marriages performed somewhere else, he said.

"That's one of the things we're really excited about our visit to Halifax and Saint John," said Kaminsky

The most dreaded question of summer.

What's for snack????

I hate it, can't stand it.  We have a set snacktime of 10 and 3.  Yet they start asking an hour beforehand.  During the school year, I portion food like crackers, strawberries and grapes.  It makes packing lunches much faster in the morning and keeps a bit more control on making food last.  The most perishable fruit like strawberries, bananas gets eaten first, then apples or when we run out of fruit, there's always apple sauce.

I decided I would keep portioning for the summer as well as there are 4 weeks that I need to pack lunches for day camps.  It also means they aren't fighting over who got more because they served themselves.

Here's a picture of the dishes I use.  Grapes are all washed and ready and I made a snack mix of Ritz Bits and Goldfish.

I also picked up lots of cups for summer.  Then if they get left in the van it's no big deal and I alos have lots for company.  I got these Rubbermaid knockoffs at the Superstore for $.24 each. 

This is my favourite type of cup long as your not putting milk in it.  The valve is built in so there are no parts to lose.

They're also cheap.  Under $3 at Walmart.

Anyone have any good ideas for summer snacks?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

3 down, 7 to go

Three weeks of summer vacation down and 7 to go.  Every year i say we're not going to have a busy summer and we are going to be free to do what we like.  But then we end up filling the calendar.

Week one- I had a few days of babysitting and Hannah got her braces off.  We found out there is a playground program at the school next door.  How sweet is that?  It's a drop in type of deal and it's free except for field trips to the movies or pool.  So from 9-12 and 1-4, somone else can deal with the kids arguing and I don't hear "I'm bored, what's for snack?".  When the weather isn't great, they can be in the gym and use all the equipment.  Considering all the foggy days we've had, they're in there quite a bit.

Week Two- Parker went to camp until Wednesday. Hannah had a sleepover with 4 friends and we celebrated Canada Day.  Lydia still gets excited when she sees a Canadian falg and she now has the national anthem on her Sansa Shaker BTW, I love that thing.  It makes errands much easier.  We have it on a lanyard that says Boys Are Smelly.

When Parker came home from camp, he started a three week literacy program.  It's an hour and a half every morning for three weeks.  In his group there are only three kids.  Can't complain about that ratio.  It's at a school that is only a couple of minutes away so we don't have far to go and I try to plan to do errands while he's there.  The good news is that his reading is strong although not fluid but that has more to  do with his speach than reading ability.  He is working on his writing skills.

On the weekend, we went to Mispec Beach where dh got a very bad sunburn. The kids had lots of fun though.

Week Three- Parker was doing literacy and soccer camp.  Another program, just next door.  He was an hour late every day but just jumped right in.  It was put on by Athletes In Action For a kid who has motor skill issues (still waiting to see a neurologist) he seemed to enjoy himself and I think he learned more than he did last year in the summer soccer program.  This one was more intense and as one of the youngest there, was pushed to keep up.

The girls and I went strawberry picking and made jam, took in a concert.  Squid was doing a free performance.

If you have the opportunity to go see them, DO IT! They were great. We also hit the beach on Friday along with Ladybug mom and another CPOer. Hannah went to grammies before heading to camp for a week.
Yesterday we hit the beach again and then the mall to see Santa.  As part of the Rising Tides Festival, the mall is doing Christmas in July.


Since Lydia has Santa on her invite list for her birthday party in a couple of weeks, we had to see him.  She was impressed that he was wearing Crocs like her but didn't want to get too close.   Our neighbor has some Santa costumes so who knows, maybe he will make an appearance to hand out treat bags.

Anyway, that's it for the first three weeks of summer.  I think by the end of it, I'll need a week for me.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Bring on the Heat

That's right.  I said bring it on.  And I can because I live in the foggy city.  It never lasts long enough to be unbearable.  The temperature in Saint John can change drastically in a half hour.   Even the summer I was pregnant for Lydia was fine.  Today was the first day we made it to the beach.

Parker has finally decided to embrace the beach.  Two years ago we paid him $.25 to go in the water up to his belly button.  Today he spent the entire time in the water.

Hannah is not going to be getting any more two piece bathing suits.  I forgot to see which one she had on today as we were leaving.

 Lydia had lots of fun dragging daddy to the ice cold water and making the kids lug buckets of water for her to pour on the sand.  She even fared well with out a nap. 

I really enjoyed having a potty trained little girl instead of dealing with sandy diapers and lugging a stroller.

Here's some pictures of our day. The LNG Terminal is in the background.

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Oh and I made sure we had our travel box with us. It meant all I had to get ready was towels, bathing suits and drinks.

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