Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Love a good deal

So for Lydia's birthday, grammie gave her money to buy a new DVD player for the van.  We had one that was really cumbersome.  It had a vcr as well as a dvd payer and two monitors.  But you couldn't use it without the VCR and you could either watch vhs on both monitors or vhs on one and dvd on the other but not both on dvd.  It really took up a lot of room and pluggiing it in was annoying.  Cords everywhere.

So I did some looking around and came home excited one day that I found one with a USB port.  Let me just say Future Shop is not known for their customer service and they couldn't tell me if it played movies from a USB drive.  By the time we decided that was what we wanted, the less expensive one was gone but they offered us a deal on the one that was more money.  I thought I would try one more store first.  I saved us $80   I found what I was looking for for $100.  Woohoo.

Since all our movies are now on the computer, the USB port will be much handier.  I also picked up a 2 G drive for $10.

Lydia is thrilled to have her own "dbd' player and she was so excited to spend her "million" dollars.  The guys at Wacky Wheatley's were amazed that she had so much money in her Strawberry Shortcake purse and laughed when I told them she hid it in a book last night and slept with it.

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