Thursday, July 17, 2008

Peace and Quiet...comes to an end

It's been such a peaceful week with Hannah gone to camp.  Only whining, no bickering. Parker has gone to literacy every morning, Lydia to VBS, then I leave there and pick up Parker and bring him back for the rest of the program.  We come home, have lunch and it's off to bed for Lydia.  Parker is out the door to the supervised playground program at 1pm and surfaces again around 4pm.  Have I accomplished anything?  Nope.  An afternoon  at the beach and that's about it.  I've taken it easy and relaxed. 

Hannah arrives home tomorrow afternoon and she does not do well when her sleep is interrupted.  I'll plan on a quiet afternoon/evening with a nice long bath for her and an early bedtime.  She's singing in a local talent competition this summer and Saturday is an orientation for it.  Then we'll head to the waterfront for the Buskers.

 Next week Parker has his literacy two mornings but that's it.  No camps, nothing to drive the kids to.  Maybe we'll go for a hike in the Irving Nature Park.

1 comment:

  1. oooh a hike at INP sounds good. Let me know when!
