Saturday, September 13, 2008

4 years ago

Four years ago today I was in the hospital.  I had just had an induced miscarriage.  I had gone to the hospital a few days before for my 18 week ultrasound.  There was no heartbeat.  I met with an OB and discussed options but it's all pretty foggy to me.  On monday I went in and was induced with misoprostal.  I regret never having a picture to hold onto or finding a suitable way to remember this child.   It was a devastating experience that so many women have been through.  We all deal with it in different ways.  For me  healing came with another pregnancy and my little spitfire, Lydia.  For those around us, life goes on and it's not something to dwell on. They move on and forget about it as a distant momory.  But mothers can never forget the life that could have been or ignore all the what if's.


  1. Oh Sarah! I'm sure it was a tough day, I wish I had of had more tome to chat when I spotted you today. I'm so sorry.
