Friday, September 12, 2008

Good Golly Miss Molly

What a week. I've pretty much had the summer off from doing daycare aside from one little one yr old who occassionally comes for a half day and the rare full day.

On Monday that all changed.  Full steam ahead.  I've had a full house everyday.

We've also had to get Hannah her third retainer as her second one broke after only 5 weeks.  A suppertime birthday party for Lydia to go to.  And a nasty computer virus.  DH is spending the evening reformatting the desktop computer and his laptop.  I am using Parker's XO laptop. 8pm and I had my jammies on. I'm watching some tv and crashing.   Tomorrow- I have a post all about Cara's Finn and his crazy escape antics.

1 comment:

  1. You deserve a break and some crashing! Thanks again, the boys had a blast!
