Friday, October 17, 2008

1st Annual Great Mitten Challenge

One of the most dreaded fall chores is sorting through the mittens.  I despise it.  This year I thought why not make a game out of it?  It's getting colder out and I always have to go digging for mittens for the first time for Halloween night.  So this afternoon I gathered the kiddos and gave them each a basket.  Lydia was to gather the hats, I did scarves, Hannah and Parker were to pair mittens.  All the odds got tossed and all the too small hats and mitts will be donated.

Before- I think we have way too many

Yes we do!

We lost a kid in there.

This is the face of a cheater.  Quite deliberately, while I was explaining the game, Lydia cathered an armload of hats.  She stood by her tote and said "ready, set, go" as she dropped her load into the tote.  Quite proud that she's young enough to get away with it.

All together now.

It's more fun with cowboy boots.

End result- 1 basket of mitts, 1 basket of hats and scarves, 1 bag to toss and 1 bag to donate.

Tomorrow's project- coats and snowpants .  I honestly don't know how larger families keep it all organized and everyone outfitted.

Lydia is quite enthralled with the changing of the seasons.  At first she was worried about the trees and wanted to fix them by putting their leaves back.  Now she's excited that when the leaves are gone, we'll get snow.

And we'll be ready.


  1. Sarah! Where on earth did all of those mittens come from!


  2. I collected lots of hats and mitts when i worked at Frenchies. Then I clean up in March when they are on sale. I've learned my lesson though. Now I buy them each 3 pairs the same and only hand out one pair at a time. If they lose one, I replace it. Guess I should weed through some more huh?
