Saturday, October 18, 2008

What has happened to my kid? Alien abduction?

What has happened to my boy? Jeff bought him a book last night, Knights of the Lunch Table: The Dodgeball Chronicles.  Parker has not stopped reading it. It's a graphic novel and 150 pages. He's to pg 92.  Seriously I caught him doing Hannah- type stuff today. Like standing in front of the laundry basket that he was supposed to be emptying, and reading. Right now he's laying in front of the fire place reading while the tv is on 3 ft away.


Parker does not have a love of reading like his sister.  It's near impossible to find books that he will willingly look at let alone read.   Avatar and now Knights of the Lunch Table are really the only books he wants to read.

Here's a good review and when he's done, Parker will be giving his own review of the book.


  1. That's so great Sarah! It just took the "right" type of book. Keep encouraging him!

  2. [...] Comments Cara on What has happened to my kid? Alien abduction?sarahnb on 1st Annual Great Mitten Challengeadmin on 1st Annual Great Mitten ChallengeCara on [...]

  3. Awesome! I will have to look for them for my Rowan.
