Friday, October 31, 2008

A Green Halloween

It was a green Halloween in our house.

Growing up we never bought costumes.  We always found what we needed to make them and we were never allowed to be scary.  Them's were the rules.  Pretty much the same rules apply in my house.  I have mixed feelings about Halloween.  Do I want to encourage celebrating a holiday that is associated with evil and gore?  Not really but do I want to ostracize my kids my not allowing them to have fun with their peers?  Nope.  There will be many times during their lives when they will have to stand for their beliefs.  I'd rather let them have fun and be kids while they can.

So Hannah went as a Recycled Halloween Costume.  She had bits and pieces from different costumes and a recycling sign around her neck.   People though it was clever.

Parker went as Indiana Jones.  I started working on his costume in June as he was into Indiana Jones with the movie coming out.  He had wanted to buy a whip at Walmart for $25 so I made him one for $1.   He had the coat, boots and pants and in the summer we found the scout shirt and water bag at Value Village.  The hat was my grandfathers hat.

Lydia wore the same costume Hannah wore when she was three.  Little Red Riding Hood.  It's a nice warm fleece cape that Aunt Sarah brought back from Turkey.  When Hannah wore it, Parker was a baby and he went as the Big (little) Bad Wolf. 

I went as the Big Bad Wolf.  I used my butt ugly fur coat that I usually wear with my butt ugly owl hat.  (purchased 5 years ago on Halloween day when I was working at Frenchies)  I wore the same wolf ears that Parker wore.  That fur coat has kept me warm on halloween for five years now.  I'll have to re-purpose it again next year.

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