Saturday, August 30, 2008

Crackerjack doctors

Two weeks ago I had a nasty fall and sprained my ankle.  The next morning I went to the ER and had xrays done and my ankle wrapped.   I spent a weekend in bed watching House and relaxing.  By Monday I was feeling much better and I could walk decently.  I took the kids to the beach a couple of times and managed a yoga class.  I had to modify a few poses but it wasn't bad.  Most days my ankle id fine until the end of the day and the many shades of purple are finally leaving.  Yesterday i got a call from the ER doctor telling me that my xray showed a fracture and I needed to come back in.  Dh was helping his mom for the day so I went this morning.  Same doctor is on and he showed me where the fracture is, tells me how horrible the brace is that I am using and insists on me getting a cast put on.  Fortunately the ortho nurse was handy and helped me convince the doctor that a cast at this point would be of no use to me.   Given my history with my back, I could spend a couple of months undoing the damage that a cast would do to my back.   The doctor walks away and starts writing up a prescription for my crutches and instructions for my cast.  What the heck???? Was he not here for the conversation 2 seconds earlier?  The doctor has his back to me and I can see the ortho guy shaking his head.  The doctor comes back and I tell him that I am not getting a cast.  So he sends me to get it strapped again and is refering me to an ortho clinic.  The ortho guy asks me where I got my fabulous brace because it fits so well.  Walmart!!! He sends me off without wrapping it and saying that sometimes the ER  tends to overtreat.  Ya think?

I have to wonder where these doctors are getting their medical degrees.  last fall I had one do xrays of my spine because I had a severe kidney infection.  He told me that I had the spine of a 60 yr old and if I didn't look into alternative therapies, I was going to end up in a wheelchair.  The radiologist said there was nothing to note on my xray.  Beware the ER doctors.  If you ever need to know the scoop on a doctor, just ask your pharmacist.

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