Friday, August 8, 2008

Stop and celebrate...

the lives around you.  In the past couple of weeks, three lives in dh's hometown have been cut short.  Three lives ended unexpectedly of natural causes.  Last night I was reminded of the Chapman family.  Steven Curtis Chapman has been one of my favourite singers since middle school.  In May his son ran over one on his daughters in their driveway.  It's a tragic story that no family should ever have to go to.

Last night the family was on Larry King Live talking of their experience and their faith.  If only we could all have such a strong faith.    What an incredible family. 

 "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18


  1. I saw the show and wow, what a family! I was bawling my eyes out! I even saw Larry a little teary eyed too.

  2. I saw that too. What an amazing family. He's been one of our favorite singers for a long time now too.
