Monday, August 4, 2008

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

We had an awesome weekend at family camp.  I tried to blog a couple of times from camp but my posts got eaten by dh's laptop I guess.   We arrived Friday just in time for supper.  The kids quickly found friends that they had gone to camp with and they were off and running.  I think they were pleasantly surprised by the amout of freedome they were given.  As long as they came at mealtime and for sessions, they could run away and play with their friends on the grounds and at the playground.  We ended up with a trailer instead of a cottage and Hannah stayed in Grammies room with her.

We had lots of rain and humidity.  Lots of rain.  Both Saturday and Sunday nights were torrential downpours and it was a 5 minute walk back to our trailer.  Sunday night we had lightening and thunder as well.  Thank goodness we all had crocs.  That's all we wore.  I love wash and wear footwear.  Parker and his friend caught a frog in a downpour.  At one point he fell and had mud all over him and was a bit worried about what I would say.  No sweat, he was having far too much fun.

  The only downside was the long line ups for food.  45 minutes in line with a three year old is a bit much but on the other hand there were 363 people eating at each meal and roughly 500 for lunch on Sunday.  She was pretty patient but with the patience of a three year old.  The food was great though and lots of it. We were never left hungry, not even the picky eaters.

The speakers were great.  I've gone to church all my life and at times it can seem like you are hearing the same thing over and over again.  These speakers were engaging and humorous.  I don't remember looking at my watch at all.  The theme was Extreme makeover.  Randy Thurlow spoke Friday night and he was hilarious.  He gave a great lead in to the rest of the weekend.  Bob Russell was the speaker for the remaining 4 sessions.  I'll have to touch on what he had to say later.

Jeff took care of Lydia's naps and bedtimes so I could keep an eye on the other two.  I don't think they had a single argument the entire time.  Lydia's dvd player came in handy a couple of times when it was rainy or we were packing up.

Speaking of packing...time to change the laundry.  I'll be back later with a smilebox.

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