Monday, August 25, 2008

Smartest City vs. Dumbest City

So in February Fredericton was named one of the world's most intelligent cities.  tp://

I have nomination for one of the world's dumbest cities.  Saint John!!!  Yes it's where I live.  I called the city today to complain about my brown water.

I went to brush my teeth and that's what i was faced with.  Yuck.  We've had three boil orders since winter.  we pay $675 a year for our lovely city water that we can't drink and then about $400 a year for the water that we buy.  That's expensive.  So the city worker that came to check the water today said that maybe it was from the construction.  The construction that is nearby is work on the road and natural gas pipeline, not water mains.  If they had something to do with the water supply, don't you think you should look into it before they quit for the day?  Then I get a call from the city.  They were flushing the hydrant on our street and that's what was causing it.  Um no.  I live at the bottom of our street.  It's on a hill.  Any water from the hydrants would go in the storm sewer by my driveway.

My other issue- why the heck would you tear up the street and sidewalk in front of a school mid August?  they had all summer to do it.  I really can't see how parents are going to be able to drop their kids off unless they satry working around the clock.  The machines are idle more than they are working.  I can see it out my kitchen window and what a mess.

Just a couple of my pet peeves today.


  1. lol...tell it like it is! I'd nominate SJ too!

  2. Don't get me started...waste management or lack of, the school district, the free, free free mentality....the list goes on.

  3. [...] Ok, not so much this week.  Cara came and babysat so I could go to a City Ward- Let’s Talk Meeting.  Pretty sad that it’s the first time in probably a year that we’ve had a babysitter and we go to a city meeting.  Anyway we have a new city council and there are far too many issues that smell bad in this city.  There’s the 2 year sick leave policy for city employees that the city is proposing, a decaying water system- we still have wooden pipes in some areas, issues with garbage collection, pension board lawsuit, coziness between the city and developers.  Anyway, thanks to Cara, I was able to go and got to have my voice heard.  It also helped that there were no seats left and I ended up sitting on a bench with the mayor and the city employee who was taking notes.  I got to comment directly to them about my concerns.  Oh and I showed everyone the water that I collected in August  [...]
